Wednesday, March 13, 2013

How to Avoid Winter Driving Accidents

Driving in the sleet and snow can be extremely dangerous. Everyone knows that harsh weather conditions drastically increase your chances for an accident. So how do you stay safe in the winter, when the weather is unpredictable? Maintenance - Car maintenance may sound like a simple solution, but it can be one of the best ways to stay safe this winter season. Maintaining your breaks and tires can make a huge difference when you need to react in a split second. Not only do larger, more obvious systems need to be checked, but even smaller functions, like your defrost and windshield wipers should be examined. It may not seem like a major fix, but frosted or foggy windows can impair your sight, making driving in the snow much more dangerous. Slow down - When in doubt behind the wheel, slow down. Driving just 5-10 mph under the posted speed can give you more time to react in an emergency. Did you know that you are twice as likely to kill someone you hit as at 35 mph than you would be at 30mph? Slowing down in the snow or a snow storm also helps your car's tire traction, making it easier to avoid hydroplaning. Slowing down also saves on gas mileage, so there's really no excuse not to. Don't Rush - Isn't that the same as not speeding? Rushing and speeding are two very different things, but they tend to go hand-in-hand. Rushing around creates a sense of urgency and fluster. It's been proven that rushing can increase your chances for a crash. It's not worth the risk, driving a few mph extra to get somewhere will drastically increase your chance for an accident and will only get you somewhere a couple minutes faster. It's not worth the risk, call if you plan on being late and take your time. If it's something important like a job interview or a business meeting, then leave 10-15 minutes early and bring a book in case you're there before everyone else. Check Weather Conditions - It's always important to check your local weather conditions. Knowing and understanding the severity of your surrounding weather conditions can have a huge impact on your safety. Some snow storms are so dangerous, news channels and authorities will recommend staying home. Calling off work or keeping the kids home from school is more important than risking your lives on the road. For more safety tips and advice, visit our El Paso personal injury lawyer blog at Davis Law. -- About the Author: Jeff Davis is the Owner of the Davis law firm and a highly experienced El Paso personal injury attorney. To find out more information about El Paso personal injury lawyer, please visit

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